Early Saturday morning a group of local fiber artisans created a yarn bombing at the local Co-op for the summer block party. The bombing was a success with cheery Dr. Seussian looking trees all lined up to greet party-goers as well as those who happened to drive by the 18th and Minnesota Ave. intersection in Sioux Falls, SD. The team wishes to remain annonymous (well, as annoymous as possible on a blog post featuring the bombing in-action) so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. I hope that you enjoy the bright colors and smiling faces and I highly encourage you to try this at home with your knitting/crochet group, it really is a blast! ^_-
(Note: the following pictures aren't mine, but I'm using them with permission from the photographers.)

I hope that you all have a great week of crafting and reamember to get outside and share your passions with the world!
Shaina ^_^