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North Country Fiber Fair 2018 - Day 2

Day 2 (Saturday) is always the most exciting day of NCFF, there are classes, sheep shearing demos, the spinning circle and the Marketplace is finally open!

Saturday brought a full spectrum of classes for attendees to choose from (in air-conditioned comfort, lol). I taught an Amigurumi Crochet class for the first time and it went really well so I'm going to be offering it again at upcoming events & to anyone who would like to learn. If you'll be in the Sioux Falls area & would like to take a 1-on-1 class send me an e-mail so we can figure out time & place.

Saturday's Classes included:

  • Beginning Nalbinding with Amy Vander Vorste

  • Beginning Needle Tatting with Marta Telkamp

  • Book Binding with Connie Herring

  • Crochet and Felt a Birdhouse with Kim Oslund

  • Embellish Your (Already) Knits with Kim Oslund

  • Hey, Kids: Learn Basic Crochet! with Jeri Kurtz

  • Kawaii Amigurumi—Cute Crochet Stuffies! with Shaina Scott (me!)

  • Nalbinding Braids and Knotwork with Amy Vander Vorste

  • Play with Bengala Mud Dyes with Chiaki O’Brien

  • Spindle Spinning—Chain Plying with Joy Kammerer

  • Swedish Art Weaves with Joanne Hall

  • Tin Thread Chevron Bracelet with Katherine Buenger

  • Tin Thread Necklace with Katherine Buenger


The Banquet & Fashion Show are always highlights Saturday evening after the Marketplace closes & even though it was crazy hot, this year was again a wonderful event with great food & lots of amazing hand-makes being shown off. I was incredibly touched that the knitting group from North Dakota chose my Soiree Cowl pattern for a knit-a-long this past year. They brought their cowls along for the fashion show & let me snap a picture of all the beautiful variations that they created. It was so wonderful to see them & to get to meet with this great group of knitters again this year!

The North Dakota Knitting Group shows off their Soiree Cowls at the Saturday night Fashion Show
Don't you just love all the different colors that they chose? There's no way I could pick a favorite, they're all so beautiful!

I'll be back again tomorrow with the last day of classes & what my booth looked like this year.

Till then, Happy Knitting!

Shaina ^_^



The Yumi Yarns Blog

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